The Disciples Wiki
The Disciples Wiki

Welcome to The Disciples Wiki Disciples III Renaissance Wallpaper
The wiki about Disciples that anyone can edit
790 articles since July 2008

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Game Series
Playable Factions

Unit list

Disciples Update

August 6th, 2010 - Disciples III 1.06.2 Patch for Kalypso Media retail version available!
The long awaited 1.06.2 patch for Disciples III is now available for download from our website. This patch is compatible with English, French and :German language retail versions of the game.
Unfortunately, a small number of retail copies sold in the US are suffering from a disc detection error resulting in an "Original Disc not Found" :error message during the game load sequence. If you are affected by this error, please contact for assistance and a :solution to the problem. Please see this thread for more information.
This patch fixes major bugs in the retail version.
Get the patch here
June 16th, 2010 - Disciples III: Renaissance - E3 Trailer Released!
Kalypso Media released the new E3 Trailer for Disciples III: Renaissance.
Disciples III: Renaissance is due for a UK release on 25th June for PC.
For more information please visit

What's new on The Disciples Wiki

14.09.10/ To all Disciples wiki users
Please use the templates provided when editing unit information. Refer to Myzrael for guidelines.
Regards, Pensuke89 02:37, September 14, 2010 (UTC)
28.08.10/ To all Disciples wiki users
Hi, I will be dumping rare info about units, buildings, spells and other Disciples technical stuff regurarily, to help keep this site alive a bit, but because of extreme lack of time, and some work I do for Final Fantasy Wiki, I won't be able to make the articles look too good. So, I'm asking all of you, who have time and skills, to contribute and edit all pages on this site, so that it may look like a decent gaming wiki.
Thanks in advance, SquallisbetterthanCloud 15:04, August 28, 2010 (UTC)

Featured article


Myzrael in Disciples III

Myzrael is the incarnation of Almighty's love to his children. A warrior angel, the best of the best, he was summoned to protect men from misdeeds of the impious. (read more...)

Featured media


Disciples III E3 2010 Trailer (UK)

Disciples III E3 2010 Trailer (UK)
